Song Key and BPM Finder
If you need to find the International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) for a specific track, we have a tool for that! You can also discover the tempo of any song by using our bpm tapper.
What is the key of a song?
The key of a song is a specific group of notes and chord progressions that form its musical dna. When played together they create a harmonious and cohesive sound.
Why is knowing a key of a song useful for musicians?
So you’ve been invited to jam with a new band. Knowing the key of a song is essential for you to anticipate and play the right notes and chord progressions. It gives you a lot of musical information that unlocks the song. So when you go for that amazing guitar solo, you know you can dive straight in, get it right first time and look very cool!
Songwriting and Composing
When writing the next big hit or composing a piece of instrumental music, knowing its key is essential for creating chord progressions, harmonies and melodies that work well together.
Music Theory
A songs key is a fundamental concept in music theory. Understanding it helps musicians grasp other theoretical concepts like scales, modes, and chord functions. This theoretical knowledge is essential for improving your musical expertise.